Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

Kasey Donae
3 min readOct 2, 2020

From a dyslexic homeschool graduate turned teacher.

Photo by Stephane YAICH on Unsplash

The signs of symptoms of dyslexia can sometimes be hard to spot. While other times they are like horns reminding you something is not quite right. This post is going to break down the signs and symptoms of dyslexia into three categories: elementary school, middle-school, and high-school.

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects language processing; specifically, reading and spelling. It is the most common neuro-cognitive disorder.

Dyslexia in Elementary School

Elementary school is when the signs and symptoms of dyslexia first start emerging. This is because at this age a child first engages with written language. They begin learning letters, phonics, reading, and spelling. This is also the hardest time to diagnose dyslexia. Each child matures and learns to read at a different pace; so it can be difficult to determine when something is wrong.

Dyslexia in Middle School

Middle School is when a dyslexic student begins to notice their struggles and they can become highly frustrated. Middle school students with dyslexia begin to experience a disconnect between what they know and what they can do. This is where frustration and emotional responses come from.



Kasey Donae

Wife | Homemaker | Entrepreneur | Education Consultant | Liberty University Graduate | Dog Mom